
Dunning – Kruger effect Purpose of life The purpose of life is right in front of us: It’s to create a reality we want to inhabit — to reach towards the better end of our conscious Psychology Karōshi (過労死), which can be translated literally as “overwork death” in Japanese, is occupational sudden mortality. The major medical causes of Conocerse a uno mismo Creyente o no + qué religión Filosofía + qué filosofía de izquierdas o de derechas A favor / en contra aborto Conservador/liberal/progresista A Pavlov’s conditioning Paradox of choice Karoshi Karōshi (過労死), which can be translated literally as “overwork death” in Japanese, is occupational sudden mortality. The major medical causes of Psychological tricks What psychological tricks and hacks are useful to know Panopticon Stockholm syndrome Moai (模合 Mo-ai) are social support groups that form in order to provide varying support from social, financial, health, or spiritual interests. Moai Living in the present The only time we can live is the present. We must prepare our future, and we must learn from the past, but we can only live in the present. Dale

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